Prices for monthly subscriptions

*    *    *

$ 140 + gst per month


You can decide between these hr blocks:

5 x 1 hr sessions,

1 x 5 hr session,

2.5 x 2 hour sessions.

Remember this is your subscription, so use the 5 hrs  how you wish, which can be each month or within a month or months blockout throughout the year, as you have the total of 5 hrs per year.

The consulting and editing time is included 

- Online gallery to re-use and download included

$250 + gst per month


You can decide between these hr blocks:

2 x 5 hr sessions,

5 x 2 hrs sessions,

6 x 100 minute (roughly 1.5 hours...) sessions.

Remember this is your subscription, so use the 10 hrs  how you wish, which can be each month or within a month or months blockout throughout the year, as you have the total of 10 hrs per year.

The consulting and editing time is included

- Online gallery to re-use and download included

$ 350 + gst per month


You can decide between these hr blocks:

8 x 2 hour sessions

4 x 4 hrs sessions,

5 x 3 hrs sessions.

Remember this is your subscription, so use the 16 hrs how you wish, which can be each month or within a month or months blockout throughout the year, as you have the total of 16 hrs per year.

The consulting and editing time is included 

- Online gallery to re-use and download included

The above are suggested "time-sessions". We can easily accommodate combinations of time allocated to suit your individual needs. 

Using Format